+1 931-416-1040 Sun Noon- 2PM | Mon - Fri 6AM - 8PM | Sat 10AM - 3PM 327 Warfield Blvd, Clarksville, TN

“Be. Do. Push.” Begins with Us: How Feedback Gave Us a Welcomed Gut Punch.

Recently, I was going through our old leads and reaching out when I received back an unexpected response.

A parent, who hadn’t been in our gym in over two years texted back something I’d never want to read.

In my almost six years as a staff member I’ve always prided ourselves on welcoming people into our family. “Not a gym. Not a school. Your martial arts family,” we proudly embolden on our website slider. I typed those words. I wrote that script and frankly, we failed.

No employee wants to read the message “I felt like my son didn’t get any kinda of learning…He was just another person in there and felt left out….It was his first time ever doing anything like this and.nobody pointed him in right direction or gave him just a little one on one learning.”

What. A. Gut. Punch.

So even though it’s been two years; even though the leadership in that program has now changed and we have a stellar team of both employees and volunteers in place; even though that particular family happened to come through our doors at the worst possible time; we MUST do better.

You see, it isn’t about us or the behind-the-scenes drama. It isn’t about ego, hurt feelings, or growing pains that every business inevitably experiences. It’s about our students…our family.

If you walk through our doors and don’t feel welcomed we want to know. Are you a visitor, member, parent who had a poor experience? Maybe you’re happy here but something just didn’t feel right. Or perhaps (hopefully) we blew you away and you’re happy as a clam. Either way we WANT to know. 

On the mats students push each other to be better and to grow. Our staff isn’t exempt from that! We all want to grow—to be better, to do more, to push harder. We strive to be your home, your fortress, your family. Your feedback is invaluable.

I’m asking each and every one of you; if you have had an exceptional experience—good or bad—please tell us.

Under ‘Student Portal’ and at the bottom of our ‘Contact’ page there is a link to a feedback form. You can even submit your feedback anonymously. Please tell us your experiences in writing so we can discuss how to move forward as a team. If we aren’t fully aware, we can’t change, and you all deserve better—the best—from us.

From the bottom of my heart, and I’m sure I speak for all of us, we appreciate each and every one of you. We’re privileged to have you as part of the RGC family.

Lynda LaBelle

Marketing & Sales Director

To submit feedback please visit https://renzogracieclarksville.com/contact/#feedback.

About the author

Marketing and Sales Director, Renzo Gracie Clarksville