+1 931-416-1040 info@rgclarksville.com Sun. Noon- 2:00 pm | Mon. - Fri. 6:00 am - 8:00 pm | Sat. 10:00 am - 3:00 pm 327 Warfield Blvd, Clarksville, TN

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

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Try out any 3 classes on us.

The "Gentle" Art

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a grappling-based martial art founded by brothers Carlos and Helio Gracie in the 1920s. From the very beginning, BJJ has always been about using leverage, patience, balance, efficiency, and technique to defend against attacks and overcome a stronger opponent.

Carlos and Helio Gracie practiced their art of jiu jitsu by challenging various fighters from multiple martial arts backgrounds in a series of “anything goes” fights (Gracie and Danaher, 2003). Sixty years later, the sons, nephews, and grandsons of Carlos and Helio carried their martial art to the United States where they began to spread the power of BJJ to all who were willing to learn…or challenge. Today, thanks to the growth of mixed martial arts (MMA), BJJ is one of the most popular martial arts in the world.

Renzo Gracie is the grandson of Carlos Gracie and he continues to serve as an ambassador and leader in the movement to spread BJJ around the world. At Renzo Gracie Clarksville, we are committed to providing a safe environment where students from all walks of life can continue the great legacy of BJJ.

Our Youth BJJ Classes


Young Lions


Youth No Gi

Youth Open Mat

Youth Competition Team

Ages 3 to 5

30 minute classes for ages 3 to 5 held Mon.-Thurs. at 4:30 PM. Students must be fully potty-trained.

Ages 6 to 9

60 minute classes for ages 6 to 9 held Tuesday & Thursday at 5:00 PM. No previous experience necessary.

Ages 10 to 13

60 minute classes for ages 10 to 13 held Monday & Wednesday at 5:00 PM.

60 minute classes for ages 8 to 13 held Saturday at 10:00 AM

60 minute sessions for ages 8 to 13 held Sunday at Noon on the Judo mats.

60 minute classes for ages 8 to 13 held Saturday at 10:00 AM

Our Adult BJJ Classes

Intro to BJJ

Adult Gi

Adult No Gi

Women Warriors

Adult Open Mat

Adult Competition Team

For those brand new to BJJ or needing a refresher

Intro to BJJ teaches the basics of movement and terminology Every Fri. at 5:00 PM to ages 10 & up. Free to the public.

Ages 14 & up

Ages 14 & up. Classes are designed to be appropriate for all-levels. Larger classes are often split into lower and upper belts.

Ages 14+

90 minute class held Tues. & Thurs. at 6:00 AM & Noon, plus Mon. at 6:00 PM.

Women Only

60 minute class held Saturday at 11:00 AM. Ages 14+ or with permission of instructor.

Free to public

120 minute session held Saturday at 1:00 PM and Sunday at Noon.

90 minute classes for ages 14+ held Friday at 6:00 PM. Geared specifically for those who are focused on competing.

Our BJJ Staff

Professor James Hoskins; Owner & Program Director

James Hoskins

Owner, Program Director, Black Belt BJJ Professor

Zee Durham

Black Belt BJJ Professor | Tactical Specialist

C.J. Garza

Black Belt BJJ Professor

Valentino Briones

Black Belt BJJ Instructor

Jason Williams

Brown Belt BJJ Instructor

Harry Guest

Brown Belt BJJ Instructor

Brinna Lavelle

Black Belt Judo Sensei | Brown Belt BJJ Instructor

Luke Backes

BJJ Brown Belt BJJ Instructor | Competition Coach
BJJ Purple Belt Instructor Jon Jasper

Jon Jasper

Purple Belt BJJ Instructor

Duvien Garcia

Client Services Administrator & Purple Belt BJJ Instructor

George Byard

MMA Head Instructor | BJJ Purple Belt Instructor

Youth BJJ Schedule

Adult BJJ Schedule